So, like everyone else in the world, I have hobbies. My biggest money sink is the assembly, and painting of models. I like it for being a creative hobby with all manner of outlets. I get to assemble things, I get to paint them, if I'm feeling plucky I could use them for a character, or write a story for them. But, they are a money sink, though I've never gone over what I can live off of. Right now, I only have Warhammer 40k and Warmachine/Hordes models, as those are the two model lines that have games which I am interested in playing. I've got about three hundred dollars of Warhammer 40k sitting around unpainted, mostly orks with one Imperial Guard Basilisk(Bought before the current codex, when Orks could take Guard vehicles as looted choices) and one old school Hive Tyrant(A project for a friend) and a Tao Crisis Suit Commander, and about one hundred and fifty dollars of Warmachine, split between Trollkin and Khador almost evenly. I think I need to buy a Khadoran Warjack to keep the spread even.
I like Orks because they're the one faction where I can get another faction's vehicle, slap a coat of red paint, draw Mork on the front, and BAM! it's an Ork vehicle now. Though, my orks will probably remain unpainted and unassembled for a while, I need Tyranid bits to complete the look of my army, but I fully intend on one day painting them, as aside from the Tau and some old Rogue Trader era stuff, they're the only faction I find interesting. They fight for fun, not because they hate everyone or want to kill the galaxy, and their codex is the most entertaining to read. Their unit choices looked cooler as of last codex, but that was when everyone had nobs that could take squigs as wargear, and I love me some squigs.
Warmachine/Hordes is easier for me to get into painting, as I have so much less than what I have for Warhammer, and it's less overwhelming because of it. I've got Khador's battlebox, Old Witch, and Scrapjack to paint on the Warmachine side. Imperial Russia and Baba Yaga, what's not to like? All their Warjacks, except Scrapjack are heavy, so they're good at dealing damage and taking them. They're slow, though, but that's not a big deal. Plus, there's Karchev the Terrible, an awesome Warcaster that's trapped inside a Warjack body which means he can do things that a Warjack can do, like throw units! The only thing I dislike about them is that they're... Ummm, actually I got nothing for me to really dislike. Their design is awesome, their units are great, and their fluff's badass.
Trollkin are my Hordes faction, and they're a bunch of Scottish themed trolls that sided together because humans are trying to take their ancestral lands, or using them as buffers between invading armies. They don't have the best Warbeasts, but I like them for being giant trolls that eat everything. Their infantry and warlocks are smaller, more human-like trolls, generally intended to take the place of orcs from your typical generic fantasy. They're all tough, and usually good for melee fighting. Some units are able to do ranged attacks, but the faction's general specialty is melee. Not that I follow that, my favorite Warlock is Grim Angus, a guy who is all about shooting, and my favorite Warbeast is the Dire Troll Blitzer, a giant troll with a machine gun on its back, being aimed by a pygmy troll. I also have another warlock, Chief Madrak Ironhide, who had once made a blood oath with the current king of Cygnar, and because of it, he has received surpluss military weapons to arm his people. Sadly, that's not keeping Cygnaran troops from attacking trollkin villages for supplies, or forcing them out of their lands to build camps, so Madrak is leading his people in a fight for independance.
I've been thinking of picking up Magnus the Traitor as a mercenary warcaster, and Bloody Barnabus as a minion warlock and fielding them with their respective contract or compact. Magnus because I like his background as a loyal soldier to the former King of Cygnar, who is willing to do anything to get his lord back on the throned. Barnabus, I like his look as an executioner gatorman, and the gatorman compact gets a giant turtle as a Warbeast, so what's not to like? Hell, had I known they were getting one, I would have held off on getting Trollbloods, and just started collecting gatormen.
I don't see myself sticking with Warhammer 40k until the grimdark of the far future. The game was always about Space Marines, but now they're not even trying to hide it. New Codices for more Marine Chapters, while other people have to wait for their army to get updated? It's a shitty deal, if you ask me, that they put aside full army and model rangers, in order to give us another Space Marine army. Worse, that they say they won't be giving us individual Chaos Legions, Eldar Craftworlds, Ork Waaaghs, or other subfactions within the other factions. We're left with normal armies, and a million Marine variations. Thanks, but no thanks.
40k used to be a lot better. I think the economic downturn was a real kick in the nuts for GW. They don't seem to be coming out with nearly as much stuff these days.
ReplyDeleteI've never played 40k, personally, but I have to love the Orks.
ReplyDeleteWow what a coincidence, a guy in my calc class brought up 40k!!
ReplyDeletenever played 40k i always hear about it tho from my good friend o 3 o
ReplyDeleteI really like 40K, nice to find another fan.
ReplyDeleteI always hear about 40k but never played it. I will give it a try someday
ReplyDeleteI've heard about 40k from some pals of mine and haven't got a chance. This is really encouraging. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteGet those orks painted and upload some pictures! :)
ReplyDeleteI never really got into Warhammer so I wouldn't really know how to comprehend what you're talking about.
ReplyDeleteBut what I do understand is that being creative takes money. Which is something none of us seem to have right now.
Never played 40k, but I always see it and things of that nature at the comic book store.
ReplyDeleteGood post.